Improve Your Marketing

Nothing happens until somebody sells something…

This is a phrase I heard over 40 years ago when I started my selling career and it has served me well in every marketing venture and every interpersonal relationship that has come my way. Everything is sold. Everything. And it takes sales to grow your organization. Effective marketing provides opportunity sales turns these opportunities into customers. If your marketing plan (you DO have a marketing plan right?) doesn’t include how to convert an opportunity into a customer, you’re wasting your money (assuming you have a budget). Conversely, if your sales team is deficient in closing opportunities, you need to work on your sales process and/or sales training.

Where do you find new customers?

Ah, there is the rub. Sooner or later, we all run out of friends and family and have to expand our marketing to those we don’t yet know. This is the number 1 growth challenge in any organization. There are many ways to market (advertise) your company:

  • Websites
  • Social Media
  • Blogging
  • Pay Per Click
  • Email Campaigns
  • Networking
  • Trade Show Exhibits
  • Newsletters
  • Business Cards and other print collaterals
  • Print Mailers
  • Print Publications (newspaper, magazines, etc.)
  • Radio
  • Television

There’s more but you get the idea. But which type of marketing or combination thereof is best for your organization?

Something to think about…

Here are some things to consider whether you are a new start-up or have been in business for years:

  • Make sure your website is current (multi-platform), secure (SSL), visible (SEO), intuitive (easy for the user to find what he/she is looking for), and compelling (you want them to contact or buy from you). Your website is the HUB of your marketing activities and I cannot stress the importance of this enough.
  • Examine your company mission – why did you get into this business in the first place? Often over time, the purposes for your company’s existence change and your people need to be on the same page with you as the CEO.
  • Make sure you know who your customer is. It’s all about the customer and your marketing must be designed to benefit them. Remember, people do things for their reasons, not yours. If you were your customer, would you buy from you?
  • Review your intake (sales) process – from the initial contact to the sale. Is it sound? Does it need tweaking?
  • Check your customer base. This is the best place to find new business. Your customers became your customers because they saw value in your product or service. What are you doing to retain, nurture, and harvest this valuable crop?

It’s a good idea to have someone (like us) from the outside to come in and look over your marketing, sales and company culture, and especially your customer.

Call 757-323-7400 for an appointment!

Our (free) ebook has more information for you to consider: